August 04, 2018

Johnson Lake

Dist: 3.2km    Elev: 30m    Time: 1.5h    Difficulty: 1/5

After over a year of planning their big blog debut, Melinda and I finally found a weekend to plan a hike with the Reimer Family! We considered a few other family-friendly alternatives but finally settled on Johnson Lake for its promise of beautiful mountain scenery and a relatively short and flat route. This hike offers a nice little loop around the lake with constant views of surrounding peaks and forestry. Johnson Lake turned out to be the perfect way to spend a morning in the mountains with great friends and two little adventurers.

Johnson Lake.

Everyone in good spirits after 10 minutes.

Brock and Jay check out the scenery.

Jay found the perfect "walking" stick.

Johnson Lake and Cascade Mountain.

The Reimer clan.

Melinda helped Brennan climb the "big tree." 

Group photo! Amazingly everyone is looking a the camera!

Most of the trail provides excellent views.

Photography break to adventure with Brennan!

Loons on the water. We stopped to watch them after hearing their distinct call.

Checking out the wildlife.

On the boardwalk near the end. Brennan pretending to be a "woodpecker."

Val and Jay play near the lake after lunch.

Brennan teaches Dad how to throw stones.

Johnson Lake was beautiful and a perfect family-friendly little hike for this morning! 



  1. What a great adventure for the kids! So glad you got it done before the smoke rolled in.

    1. Hi Mim! It was a great day for the little ones. Hopefully all this smoke clears for our next adventure!

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