September 07, 2024

Abbott Ridge / Afton Peak

Dist: 17.9km    Elev: 1476m    Summit: 8375'    Time: 8h    Difficulty: 5/5

Nathan and I met up in Revelstoke for our third "Bro-Bait" hiking/camping trip. The original plan (Abbott Ridge) somehow turned into a double summit (Abbott and neighboring Afton peaks) and glacial lake outing, greatly increasing the fun and adventure quotients. Lots of laughs, deep conversations, and great memories made with my little bro!

Ridge above us as we clear the trees.

Warden cabin with a great glacier views.

Up we go.

On the ridge, soaking it all in.

Abbot (left), Afton (right), and the icy tarn below.

Abbott summit.

More engaging Afton climb.

Afton summit. "We Made It!"

Ice everywhere.

Approaching the lake.


Back on the ridge.

Down we go.
Parting views before reentering the trees.

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