Dist: 6.5km Elev: 560m Summit: 7605' Time: 4h Difficulty: 2/5A much anticipated trip to the mountains, after a few unsuccessful attempts due to last minute circumstances at home. Jeff agreed to tag along, and we enjoyed catching up while basking in the beauty of our backyard under near perfect weather (despite nearly calling off the day due to whiteout conditions on the drive out!) We made great time on the trail and enjoyed a leisurely summit stay, taking photos and admiring the expansive views in all directions. Presence, silence, and awe were common themes in the day's conversations, and our trip up Kent South provided all in abundance. Adventures like this don't happen nearly as often in the current season of life, but I think my appreciation of them has grown as a result. I look forward to the next one, whenever it may be.
Getting started.
Departing the trees. |
Summit comes into view. |
Summit view to the south. |
Two happy guys on a mountain. |
Jeff admiring the wall of peaks to the north. |
Mount Kent's true summit in the distance. Perhaps one day. |
Wow, looks like a great day! (Kay)