January 15, 2022

Coyote Hills

Dist: 9.4km    Elev: 750m    Summit: 7044'    Time: 3h    Difficulty: 2/5

A quick morning burn with Byron. We opted to avoid high avalanche risks by heading to the south end of K-Country for a tour of the windswept foothills. Coyote Hills is the unofficial name of these three unremarkable bumps, but trip reports of a surprisingly good panorama from the summit of the highest hill intrigued me enough to plan a trip. Unfortunately, due to some unexpectedly gnarly weather, our views from the top were quite limited. Nonetheless, Byron and I still managed to get out and enjoy a day in the outdoors while catching up and sharing some laughs. It could be the sleep-deprived parent in me talking, but sometimes short and sweet is a nice change of pace.

Byron eyeing up the third and highest hill from the top of the second.

On the summit ridge, looking back (south).

Looking west at the weather-shrouded peaks.

Summit views to the north.

Summit pose.

And another.

I have no words for this one. But I really like it.

One final look at Mt Armstrong before descending back into the trees.

1 comment:

  1. Always nice to spend some quality time catching up with a friend.
