June 20, 2020


Dist: 6.5km    Elev: 990m    Summit: 8793'    Time: 5h    Difficulty: 3/5

Gavin contacted me about a month ago asking if I was free for a hike in June. I sometimes wonder if my friends simply put up with my obsession of climbing big rocks in order to spend time together, so him initiating was somewhat reassuring. After considering a number of possible objectives we eventually decided on the short and sweet (aka steep) Rimwall summit near Canmore to accommodate Gavin's previous evening commitments without rushing the day. This trip has been on my radar for a few years since summiting Windtower directly to the south, and recent reports revealed the scrambly route was finally free of snow. Perfect timing.

We set out at a good hour to ensure plenty of time and a relaxed pace for the day. Not being a morning person, Gavin let me drive his SUV while he eased himself into consciousness and we made good time getting to the West Wind Pass trailhead along the Smith-Dorrien highway. The route followed a clear and steadily climbing trail through forest before emerging from the trees to reveal pleasant views of Spray Lake rimmed by the many impressive surrounding mountains. The obvious path quickly deteriorated into a bit of a random slog up loose scree, requiring occasional hands-on scrambling, before finally reaching the ridge. One final steep ascent later we were at the summit admiring big views of the Spray Lakes valley, the Three Sisters, and a tiny Canmore far below. 

Gavin and I enjoyed the summit in solitude for a few brief minutes before a steady stream of revolving-door style hiker traffic, most stopping only for a quick summit selfie before swiftly departing to avoid the cool wind and rapidly deteriorating weather. Thankfully we came prepared with plenty of layers and snacks and were able to enjoy a lengthy stay at the top before finally starting our return trip. We passed dozens of other adventurers on our way down, some obviously determined for the summit and many more seemingly out for a leisurely walk with no specific objective in mind. Regardless of their reason for being there, it was nice to see so many people out enjoying our local playground.

First views.

Gavin attacking the scree. Windtower summit directly above him.

Steep cliffs along the ridge to the summit.

Gavin striking a pose.

Approaching the summit.

Summit panorama looking southwest. Spray Lake valley.

Summit panorama looking northwest. Three Sisters.

Summit cairn. Windtower, Mt. Lougheed, Mt. Sparrowhawk in the distance. 

Team shot.

Interesting rocks on the return trip.

Big views from the ridge.

Back into the trees, just in time to avoid the rain.

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